Maroon Train in Altenglan
Have I told you that I worked for a train magazine once? Maybe most people who are still working there didn't notice. But I do always enjoy my train ride. Admiring how people built the railways across the cities, villages, even countries and thinking about what am I going to do without this beautiful invention.
I took a train a lot on my 2 years staying in Jakarta. Almost got killed once because I couldn't get out of the over-loaded carriage from Bogor-Depok, injured my knee once, but mostly it has been fun being with thousands of individualist stoic faces people in there. I learned many things from that. I know exactly why we were racing to get out of that humid and rusty carriage. Now I never stop grateful for the life that I have now and I don't mind to take that economy class Bogor-Jakarta again someday.
I'm still in Altenglan, Germany. Feed myself with meats and diaries before my next long trip across Europe for music. This time I got lucky. Few old locomotives operating just 2 days before the September soon will end. I took video for the older locomotive, but now i'll show you this beautiful maroon train picture I took with a better camera than mine. Reminds me of how I drawed those details for that train magazine few years ago. Makes me thankful for every little experiences I had in the past.
Catatan Kecil bagi yang berbahasa Indonesia:
Ini buat yang suka sama kereta. Termasuk Abba ku Toto Tewel, Dian Pujayanti, Grey, Indie Triana, Geoff Warren, dan teman-teman yang kerja di Majalah KA :). SIlahkan download fotonya untuk kepentingan non-komersial dan non-modifikasi.
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